Wed, 5 November 2014
48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 10 Avoid The Unhappy And Unlucky Topics Covered: How to apply Law # 10 to keep your self from getting sucked in to others drama and misfortune. Avoid Charlie Brown or before long you too will start receiving rocks in your Halloween trick or treat bag. Bad luck is infectious and can infect even the most positive people with “stinkin thinkin” as Zig Zigular would say. They say you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, so avoid negative Nancy. Lola is also discussed, was she a historical figure or the focus of popular songs? Hanging out with Yngwie Malmsteen the Swedish guitarist known for his neo-classical playing style in heavy metal. John discusses a vengeful woman he left at the altar for good reason. Also, Geoge Carlin a lover of the English language. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA016_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Avoid_The_Unhappy_And_Unlucky.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 2:01pm EST