A Swift Kick In The Ass

Confronted with a difficult decision or making a big change in our lives? Suggestions on how to channel those negative emotions into positive change. Negative emotions are our brains way of telling us something is wrong…or needs to change.

In this Episode, Tom and John talk about how their lifelong friendship began, their philosophy on living on your terms and experiences in their childhood growing up in South Florida that helped to shape their view of the world. Topics covered include: outline of methodology; ways not to pick up girls on the Fort Lauderdale strip; discussion of the tools available onwww.aswifkickintheass; the importance of taking calculated risk in your life and what they have done with their life.  


Go to www.aswiftkickintheass.com to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!

Direct download: ASKITA001_Who_The_XXXX_Are_These_Guys_And_What_Is_In_It_For_You.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 2:16pm EST

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