Sun, 14 December 2014
John and Tom talk about purpose and potential, podcasting, Podcast Florida and how to free your self from your job and your self defeating behavior. Topics covered include overcoming fear and doubt, mastery vs. success, escaping the corporate rat race. Why the radio industry is losing it's soul to podcasting and the next golden age of audio as predicted by Alex Blumberg or NPR. How John and Tom came up with the idea to start a podcast and what they expect to gain from creating art for others. Jared Easley and Lou Mongello's podcast event that had inspirational speakers such as Jon Milligen of Blogging Your Passion and Nicole Welch from Real Time: Real Men Only Podcast.
Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Sun, 7 December 2014
This episode will make your dick look bigger. The more weight you lose, the bigger it looks. John and Tom discuss the mental and physical strategies for getting started getting in shape. The first two of the four cornerstones are discussed, Mind and Body. This is the first part of a two part series discussing the four cornerstones Mind, Body, Purpose and Potential. Blunt humor and authenic rapport between two friends on how to regain what is lost due to age and lack of activity. The first step is to take action and make a commitment with an accountability partner that can hold your ass to the fire. Why Tom and John began the podcast and a hint at part 2 that will speak about Podcast Florida, an event put on by Jared Easely (Starve The Doubts) and Lou Mongello(Walt Disney World Radio Podcast). Good stuff to come to help inspire others.
Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Sun, 30 November 2014
48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 14 Pose As A Friend, Work As A Spy. Topics Covered: How to apply Law # 14. Power is central to living life on our own terms. Living with out power over your own life is miserable and we all want more power to choose the life we want to live. Some of the content may seem evil or antisocial and it is, but it is necessary to be aware of these tactics to protect yourself. Conspiracy at work to replace the boss with a friend backfires due to spying and gossip. Cannibalistic fish given as a present by sadistic boss. Feeling dirty using tactics from this book might leave you vulnerable. Working in the entertainment field is a case study for the 48 Laws of Power. Recognizing these laws when they are being used against you even in family situations. Tom sarcastic? Never! Having spies in strategic positions to keep tabs on relationships in college. Great examples of slacking off at work. Is Tom a Russian spy? Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe! Watch the video of this episode on YouTube:
Direct download: ASKITA020_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Pose_As_A_Friend_-_Work_As_A_Spy.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 12:28am EST
Wed, 26 November 2014
![]() 48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 13 When Asking For Help - Appeal To People's Self Interest - Never To Their Mercy Or Gratitude. Topics Covered: How to apply Law # 13. Power is central to living life on our own terms. Living with out power over your own life is miserable and we all want more power to choose the life we want to live. Some of the content may seem evil or antisocial and it is, but it is necessary to be aware of these tactics to protect yourself. People are more apt to help if they see that they can benifit from doing so. We have been using these techniques naturally since we were children. How Tom used this technique to purchase a new super computer on Black Friday by making it seem beneficial to his wife. Historical accounts of this law in action in the peloponnesian war. Witness Tom butcher the pronunciation of the Greek names as he describes the story from the book. Power is best gained by working with other people not against them. Nasty tricks that Tom and John did while traveling in Mexico with the High School band. Montezuma's revenge and flying bags of poop. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe! Watch the video of this podcast on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA019_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_When_Asking_For_Help_-_Appeal_To_Peoples_Self_Interest_-_Never_To_Their_Mercy_Or_Gratitude.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 2:35pm EST
Wed, 19 November 2014
![]() 48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 12 Use Selective Honesty And generosity To Disarm Your Victim Topics Covered: How to apply Law # 12. Does this dress make my butt look big? Using selective honesty to preserve your relationship. Being manhandled in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class by younger and stronger guys faking injuries. The importance of trust in business and personal relationships. Teaching our kids how to distinguish when they are being sold and marketed to. Utilizing a 48 laws of power technique in a practical situation at work. Getting screwed by the bait and switch as a kid ordering Roman soldiers from the back of a comic book. Strategic product placement in TV shows and movies. Conning Al Capone, a historical story from the 48 Laws Of Power. Loyalty, why the mob has it and big corporations do not. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA018_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Use_Selective_Honesty_And_generosity_To_Disarm_Your_Victim.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 10:31pm EST
Mon, 17 November 2014
48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 11 Learn To Keep People Dependent On You. How Tom keeps people at work dependent on him making him a valuable employee at the moment. Reflection on the passing of a mentor and friend from the dreaded disease of cancer. Triggers that force you into making big changes. How the historical figure Bismark manipulated Kings by keeping them dependent on him. Prom dresses and the financial commitment to your daughter. Topics Covered: How to apply Law # 11 to keep others dependent on you for job security, promotion, relationships and the acquisition of power. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA017_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Learn_To_Keep_People_Dependent_On_You_.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 11:26pm EST
Wed, 5 November 2014
48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 10 Avoid The Unhappy And Unlucky Topics Covered: How to apply Law # 10 to keep your self from getting sucked in to others drama and misfortune. Avoid Charlie Brown or before long you too will start receiving rocks in your Halloween trick or treat bag. Bad luck is infectious and can infect even the most positive people with “stinkin thinkin” as Zig Zigular would say. They say you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, so avoid negative Nancy. Lola is also discussed, was she a historical figure or the focus of popular songs? Hanging out with Yngwie Malmsteen the Swedish guitarist known for his neo-classical playing style in heavy metal. John discusses a vengeful woman he left at the altar for good reason. Also, Geoge Carlin a lover of the English language. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA016_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Avoid_The_Unhappy_And_Unlucky.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 2:01pm EST
Wed, 5 November 2014
48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 9 Win through your actions, never argument Topics Covered: Just because you are smart and probably right, does not always mean you should argue your point to those who will never grasp your reasoning. Sometimes it is better to let the fool learn the hard way. An engineer in the ancient world should of heeded this law which would have spared his life. Convincing others by tricking them, how to cover your tracks when a roach climbs on your dates shoulder in a roach infested car and how Michelangelo used perspective rather than argument to win. How to apply Law # 9 to preserve your position of power with out jeopardizing yourself. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA015_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Win_Through_Your_Actions_-_Never_Arguement.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 11:31am EST
Sun, 2 November 2014
![]() 48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 8 Make other people come to you use bait if necessary. Topics Covered: Baiting bullies with super red hot candy, mafia bosses, love triangles and marriage. Manipulating Napolean and discussing his lack of endowment that is preserved in a jar. How to apply Law # 8 in your own quest for power or quest for freedom. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA014_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Make_Other_People_Come_To_You_-_Use_Bait_If_Necessary.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 10:55pm EST
Sat, 11 October 2014
![]() 48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 7 Get Others To Do The Work For You - But Always Take Credit. Topics Covered: Another secret of attaining power is revealed. Tv remote controls in the seventies which were also known as kids. The ability of control and how to get others to do the work for you. In the end, your helpers will be forgotten and you will be remembered. Thomas Edison and his constant abuse of Tesla. How to focus on what really needs to get done by avoiding multitasking and hiring someone else to do the grunt work. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA013_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Get_Others_To_Do_The_Work_For_You_-_But_Always_Take_Credit.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 3:33pm EST
Sat, 11 October 2014
48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law 6 - Court Attention At All Cost Topics Covered: Of course the sinister tactics used by people from long ago. Pepper’s Ghost, reality shows and building a platform with blogs, videos, podcasts and speaking. Growing, competing and advancing. Sea Monkeys! Getting duped ordering them from the back of a comic book. Marketing tactics and psychology incorporated in one piece of junk mail sent to Tom’s Mom. Scammers that use this law to their advantage. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA012_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Court_Attention_At_All_Cost.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 3:20pm EST
Sat, 11 October 2014
![]() 48 Laws Of Power Special Series - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 5 So much depends on reputation - guard it with your life. Topics Covered: He Did it, She Did it, but who knows the truth?; The power of labels; Guilt by Association; Reality is not always what it appears to be. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe! Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA011_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_So_Much_Depends_On_Reputation_-_Guard_It_With_Your_Life.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 3:04pm EST
Sat, 11 October 2014
A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 4 Always Say Less Than Necessary. Filled with pearls of wisdom and opportunities leading to a good meal. Topics Covered: crickets chirping are what Tom’s family hears when they ask him a question; Techniques in applying this law and the reversal of the law. Brevity is the soul of wit. Selective memories and excellent note takers with fancy pens. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA010_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Always_Say_Less_Than_Necessary.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 2:55pm EST
Sat, 11 October 2014
A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 3 Conceal Your Intentions. Whether you are building an empire like Walter White did or just trying to protect yourself, this law will something good to follow. Topics Covered: How to use these Laws to make you a better person, lover and friend; Is honesty always the best policy?; The downfall of telling a friend you want to be a private eye; Tom’s new career path as a Walter White look alike; Red herrings and smoke screens can be your friend when you trying to negotiate with a psycho. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA009_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Conceal_Your_Intentions.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 2:43pm EST
Sat, 11 October 2014
A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 2 Never Put Too Much Trust In Friends. Topics Covered: Ruling with an iron hand in a velvet glove; making use of your enemies; the importance of placing limits of work friendships; How to move massive objects; the disadvantages of being yourself in the work environment; and creating a win-win through intentions, results with free slurpees. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA008_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Never_Put_Too_Much_Trust_In_Friends.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 2:35pm EST
Thu, 9 October 2014
A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review of Robert Greene's The 48 Laws Of Power: Law 1 Never Outshine The Master. Topics covered: Always make those above you feel superior. In your efforts to impress them, do not go too far or they will see you as a threat to be dealt with. This is the first in 48 individual episodes that will cover each law in detail and discuss how to apply the law and if it is morally justified to do so. John and Tom have fun with this controversial book which they see as a handbook to survival in the corporate world. Check out the video of the episode on YouTube Go to the to ask us a question via our voicemail.
Direct download: ASKITA007_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Never_Outshine_The_Master.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 4:27pm EST
Thu, 9 October 2014
What happens when narrowly miss a life threating situation? You thank your lucky stars and garters that you are alive and more importantly your child that was with you is safe and sound. Tom and his son Hunter spiraled out of control on a wet crowded highway slaming into to two walls before coming to a stop on the side of the road. The SUV was screwed but that was not important. Being grateful for just being alive can make you start to ask all of the right questions about your life. John and Tom discuss avoiding the difficult questions and making a plan to change your current situation. Watch the video of the episode on YouTube Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Direct download: ASKITA006_How_Being_Grateful_Can_Help_You_Ask_The_Right_Questions.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 4:13pm EST
Thu, 9 October 2014
You are not alone in your quest to live life on your terms or move your life in a positive direction. It is not about how much money you have, the car you drive or the clothes you wear. It isn’t about making big changes overnight. It is about making small incremental changes in your daily lives that lead you in a direction of your choosing. The question is are you open or closed to actually doing it?
Calling all people who have created positive change in their life and are open to sharing their experience!
Topics include: Goal Tracking software, How Tom has incorporated accountability into his workout and easy ways you can create your own support group; disrupting conventional belief about careers, Also, getting back at your boss with monkeys (wearing tutus and holding machine guns) and dancing around the May Pole while looking like you just ate a lemon.
Go to to express your interest or submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA005_Accountability_And_Working_For_The_Man.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 3:10pm EST
Thu, 9 October 2014
Are you happy with the terms of your life? Do you make things happen, watch things happen or just wonder what happens? Which wolf do you feed?
Begin rewriting your life script by giving yourself a swift kick in the ass while Tom does his best Barry White impression while John revisits riding a classic Schwinn Twinn tandem bike this episode.
Topics discussed this episode include: the differences between a lioness, tiger and a leopard; the inevitability of change and how to control it; the importance of accountability and getting traction in whatever change you are trying to make. Lessons learned at The Fort.
Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe! Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA004_Pyromaniacs_And_Lion_Nuts_-_How_Does_It_Apply_To_Personal_Change.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 12:03pm EST
Thu, 9 October 2014
“Life, is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming” – Myrna Loy Known to be rebellious towards authority since a very young age, Tom and John discuss how the majority of people think that they have no choice but to put up with the crap they don’t like and why many people feel like there is no other choice. Other topics include: the price of our perceived freedom and what you can do to achieve true freedom; strategies for fighting zombies, simple living, as well as how to get the freshest milk. Learn how to live a life that you love with a swift kick in the ass and how to create a spending plan. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch the episode on YouTube
Direct download: ASKITA003_The_1_Barrier_Holding_You_Back_From_Achieving_The_Lifestyle_You_Want.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 11:20am EST
Thu, 9 October 2014
Get your ass moving while being entertained with stories 2 lifelong friends of growing up in South Florida.. In their 2nd episode, Tom and John discuss the Assessment part of the Ready Aim Fire approach to creating change in your life and living on your terms. Topics covered include: the gilded cage we put ourselves in that restrict our freedom, the importance of setting goals and learning from mistakes; reminiscing about childhood trips to Spencer Gifts, approaches to picking up girls that don’t work; and how John paid off over $90k in debt in just 2 ½ years while facing job elimination, raising kids and overcoming other challenges. A simple equation is presented that will get listeners the traction they need to overcome financial or other life challenges. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Direct download: ASKITA002_The_800_Pound_Gorilla_And_The_Secret_To_Lasting_Change.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 10:57am EST
Wed, 8 October 2014
Confronted with a difficult decision or making a big change in our lives? Suggestions on how to channel those negative emotions into positive change. Negative emotions are our brains way of telling us something is wrong…or needs to change. In this Episode, Tom and John talk about how their lifelong friendship began, their philosophy on living on your terms and experiences in their childhood growing up in South Florida that helped to shape their view of the world. Topics covered include: outline of methodology; ways not to pick up girls on the Fort Lauderdale strip; discussion of the tools available onwww.aswifkickintheass; the importance of taking calculated risk in your life and what they have done with their life.
Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Direct download: ASKITA001_Who_The_XXXX_Are_These_Guys_And_What_Is_In_It_For_You.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 2:16pm EST
Wed, 8 October 2014
A brief introduction of what you can expect from the A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast. This episode is like a Star Wars prequel, we went back after recording twelve episodes to let you know how the show has evolved already. The sole focus of our show is ordinary people who have experienced extraordinary change in order to live life on their own terms. This episode highlights why we are also on a journey to live life on our own terms. We discuss taking control of your life by becoming the authority of your own existence. We will give a prelude to the upcoming series covering Robert Greene's book "The 48 Laws Of Power." We will cover each individual law and deicate an entire episode devoted to that one specific law of power. We will give the listener a complete rundown of each chapter and how it applys to living life on your own terms. This is a serious topic brought forth with a humorous tone. Learn how people have asserted power throughout history and how to incorporate their strategies as a personal survival guide while working for the man. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe! Watch this episode on YouTube
Direct download: ASKITA000_Living_Life_On_Your_Own_Terms.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 12:12pm EST