Sun, 21 January 2018
EP 90 THE Kick In The Ass! Lifelong childhood friends Tom Stewart and John Curren discuss how to face the fear of death and undiagnosed illness. The holidays brought Tom an unexpected gift...A neurological condition that has yet to be identified. How do you deal with the fear of possibly having a terminal disease? Tom discusses how he mentally faces an undiagnosed illness that has been plaguing him over the past month. Unbearable fear and anxiety are met with logic and spirituality to find a way to deal with the issue. We all face our own "Kick in the ass" and we can not change the things that happen to us but we can change how we react to them. How do you remain optimistic while facing the unknown? The doctors think All the MRI images indicate Tom most likely has MS, Multiple Sclerosis. His doctor who is an MS specialist doesn't think he has it and is looking for other diseases or possible injury from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.