Sun, 18 December 2022
In this episode, John introduces Jason Greska. Who is Jason Greska and why is John bringing him on the show? You will have to listen to this episode to find out cause no one is going tell you otherwise. Right Here. Right Now. #NewSoulOldBoot
Wed, 14 December 2022
On this episode of ASKITA, John is influenced by a National Geographic show called limitless and talks about how he strains his relationship with Stress to get new terms.
Wed, 14 December 2022
On this episode of ASKITA, John is influenced by a National Geographic show called limitless and talks about how he strains his relationship with Stress to get new terms.
Wed, 14 December 2022
On this episode of ASKITA, John is influenced by a National Geographic show called limitless and talks about how he strains his relationship with Stress to get new terms.
Wed, 14 December 2022
On this episode of ASKITA, John is influenced by a National Geographic show called limitless and talks about how he strains his relationship with Stress to get new terms.
Mon, 21 November 2022
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks about how not everyone is thankful for the Hades they are going through. They are too busy embracing the suck and the holidays forever ruined because of it. Don't miss this episode and some helpful tips on how to make it through backed what the Mayo Clinic is saying.
Direct download: ASKITA_E143_Thank_You_for_Kicking_My_A.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm EST
Fri, 11 November 2022
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks about the nature of our problems and our expectations of complete resolve that get squashed every time. You won't want to miss this episode if you need to get your character in line, solve some problems and live on your terms.
Direct download: ASKITA_E142_Shapeshifting_and_Problem_Solving_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST
Wed, 9 November 2022
In the episode, John talks about he is the leading character in his own story line full of dragons, adventure and the building of his own kingdom. Real Life was never this fun but when you write the story and use it to develop your character...well you found the Holy Grail of living on your terms. Dont' miss this episode #PersonaDevelopment
Tue, 8 November 2022
In this episode of ASKITA, John takes on the conventional belief that you should always be yourself. You really shouldn't if you are serious about making positive change in your life. Maybe being you isn't working out so well. Time to reinvent yourself. Do something for yourself and listen to this episode.
Direct download:
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm EST
Sun, 30 October 2022
In this episode of ASKITA, John gets answers he did not want to hear that force him to reevaluate his goal to reach first degree blackbelt and how that is going to help you recreate yourself.
Direct download: ASKITA_E139_The_Good_Bad_and_So_Frickin_Ugly_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:34pm EST
Wed, 12 October 2022
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks not only about his own awkwardness but how to use awkwardness to your advantage in creating positive change. #Awkward
Fri, 7 October 2022
On this episode of ASKITA, John talks about the terms Life has us taking on to get you thinking about how to create positive change.
Direct download: ASKITA_E137_Buy_Here_Pay_Here_Terms.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 10:30pm EST
Thu, 18 August 2022
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks about how a recent trip took him down memory lane as well as meeting up with the Here & Now. Don't miss this episode.
Direct download: ASKITA_E135_Thanks_for_The_Memories_Goodbye.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:18pm EST
Tue, 19 July 2022
Warning: If your kids don't know what BS stand for, you may not want them listening. Or maybe you should. There is some language in those episode that is not kid friendly. But it is real discussion about the importance of really knowing your BS. Understanding BS and using it properly can help you live on your terms. Don't miss this episode.
Wed, 29 June 2022
In this episode, John may drop the F-Bomb. There is just no better to talk about this topic without it. But you know it is for a reason. If you are trying to recreate your life by renegotiating your terms, you won't want to miss this one. It will motivate you to get your ass moving.
Wed, 18 May 2022
In this episode John talks about a technique he uses to expand his opportunities and have good positive change come to him. All it takes is you listening to this episode to give yourself room to grow.
Thu, 14 April 2022
In today's episode, you will never know what to expect when John talks about our expectations and how they influence the terms of our life.
Direct download: ASKITA_E130_Recreating_Your_ExpectationsFinal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:57pm EST
Wed, 23 March 2022
After some time off to work on getting a new job, John is back. Rusty at the mic for sure. But., if you are serious about getting traction on your personal change, don't miss this episode.